As a pregnant woman and passionate nutrition and lifestyle consultant navigating the journey of embracing an ancestral approach to food and lifestyle within my own family, as well as advocating for this within my business, and ... well... among anyone who will listen! my decision to become a female hunter holds profound significance. In a world often detached from its roots, “Wild Nutrition” represents my personal quest to reconnect with the primal aspects of life (I mean really living not just existing!), nourishment, and survival.

I am writing this blog to not only inform you of my personal reasons for embarking on this hunt, but to also help you, the reader, decide weather some of these pieces of ancestral wisdom, healing foods and lifestyle practices are things you could incorporate into your own household.
Also, importantly, in such a fast pace, technology driven world, full of scare mongers (usually fat politicians lining their pockets with our poor health and giving out false information to ensure that continues!) I want to be part of the solution and a voice of calm reassurance when all seems a little lost.
Nutritional Benefits of Wild Meats
The nutritional benefits of wild meats are not only diverse but also align with the principles of ancestral nutrition. Both myself as well as renowned nutrition experts, such as Dr. Loren Cordain and Robb Wolf, advocate for a diet centered around wild game due to its rich protein content, healthy fats, and essential micronutrients. These components are so lacking in many of today's food choices.
Wild animals also consume their species specific diets without the meddlesome interference of us humans. Animals that have been raised for meat to line our supermarket shelves are often subject to a host of chemicals entering their systems such as hormones and pesticides, antibiotics and other medications, in some cases even entirely the wrong food for their system.
Cows for instance get closely packed together with their heads permanently over feeding troughs. The feed will often be purely to fatten them and not easily digested so they then require the blanket protection of antibiotics (again often put in their feed).
Wild Deer will often be grazing organic unsprayed land and do not face all these unnatural processes. What more could you ask for when it comes to the quality of the meat you consume!
Incorporating wild meats into my diet during pregnancy has ensured a well-rounded nutritional profile for both me and my growing child, I have felt vibrant, energetic even! without many of the long list of symptoms we associate with pregnancy today. Of course I don't attribute this to wild meat alone, I have refined our family's food intake focusing on an ancestral, animal product centric ethos. Our lifestyle promotes health and draws from our ancestry as much as possible, a slower pace, a focus on circadian rhythm, natural sunlight, reduced EMF exposure, filtered water, purposeful movement, elimination of environmental toxins and much more.
In fact, compared to previous pregnancies (when my nutritional know how and my health were vastly different) this has been a wildly new experience. Pregnancy has been enjoyable.
Cost Savings for Growing Families
Beyond the nutritional advantages, hunting provides a significant economic benefit. Statistics reveal that a deer carcass can save a family substantial amounts compared to purchasing meat from supermarkets. This financial advantage becomes especially crucial as my family expands, offering us a sustainable and cost-effective source of high-quality protein and you can experience this huge financial advantage too, if this is a skill you or your partner would like to learn, a great place to start is The Shooting and Hunting Academy - they will give you all the practical know how to get started and the right certification!
When considering the cost of supermarket meat, or a local farmers market, basic pasture raised ground meat generally gets somewhere around £7 per Kilo. The better quality steaks fetch £15 per Kilo or higher.
So a small deer could be worth about £525 in meat (relative to your local supermarket or farmer’s market meat prices). A larger Deer could obviously be worth far more and feed your family for many many weeks especially if I can teach you (or you already know) all the ways of using an animal from nose to tail!
Favorable for Animals and the Environment
Hunting wild deer, when practiced and regulated responsibly, plays a crucial role in preserving the environment. By managing deer populations, hunters help prevent overgrazing, protecting delicate ecosystems from degradation. This balance ensures healthier vegetation, maintains biodiversity, and safeguards habitats for various species. Road traffic accidents caused by growing deer numbers are also reduced.
Additionally, revenue generated from hunting permits and fees often funds conservation efforts, enabling the preservation of natural landscapes. When approached sustainably, hunting becomes a tool for environmental conservation, fostering a harmonious relationship between wildlife and their ecosystems.
A Connection to Ancestral Roots
Engaging in hunting during pregnancy enables a profound connection with the past, echoing the roles women played in ancient times. Imagining myself in the shoes of Viking women or those from other ancestral backgrounds, I embrace this journey as an authentic exploration of my roots. It allows me to channel the strength and resilience of those who came before me, forging a link between my present experience and the traditions of my foremothers.
Embarking on the journey of hunting as a pregnant woman has also become a powerful catalyst for embracing newfound knowledge and freedom, challenging prevailing modern fear mongering and rigid medical pregnancy guidelines. By defying conventional norms, this experience unveils a path for correction within a flawed system. It showcases the resilience of both women and the human body, debunking myths and instilling confidence in the capabilities of expectant mothers. This transformative endeavor not only redefines societal expectations but also prompts a reconsideration of outdated paradigms surrounding pregnancy. It exemplifies the potential for women to reclaim agency over their bodies and choices, fostering a paradigm shift toward more holistic and empowering perspectives on pregnancy and women’s capabilities.
Empowering Authentic Advocacy
Ultimately, “Wild Nutrition” empowers me to be an authentic advocate for an ancestrally appropriate relationship with food and lifestyle. It is a conscious choice to align my actions with the primal instincts that shaped the survival strategies of our ancestors. Through this journey, I strive to inspire others to reconsider their connection to the environment, their food sources, and the traditions that define us.
In conclusion, my foray into hunting while pregnant is more than a lifestyle choice; it’s a deliberate step towards reclaiming a connection with the past, promoting sustainable practices, and advocating for a more authentic and holistic approach to life.
If you would like some help and guidance embedding new nutrition and lifestyle practices or would like to know more about how I could help you and your family with specific health challenges, please get in touch via email -
I would love to hear from you.